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Our first interview is with the world renowned breeder/Schutzhund trainer Eckart Salquist.  His breeding program speaks for itself and his knowledge and expertise in Schutzhund is legendary. I had the opportunity of speaking with him just before he left to go to the Club Sieger and then onto the IFR 2000, which he is the captain of the team representing the United States!

TRC: Where in Germany were you born? How old were you when you came to the United States?

ES: Butzbach, a town near Frankfort, I was 7 years old when I came to America and lived in California.

TRC: Did you have dogs growing up? What type?

ES: Yes, a mutt, he was my dog.

TRC: When did you first get involved with Rottweilers?

ES: In the early 70’s, I first saw them in books, then at a dog show. They were considered a rare breed back then, and to see 20 of them at a show was alot.

TRC: Was there any one person who helped you personally or got you started with this breed?

ES: No, I began on my own. I liked the breed, originally started with the AKC everybody else.

TRC: When did you first get involved with Schutzhund?

ES: Again the early 70’s. Guys I knew were in police training with their dogs, in a club called Nasda which had just got started. DVG was just getting started too. It was a place were a civilian could go and train. You did all that work and had no place to compete or title your dog. Schutzhund was a way to title your dog in the early 70’s.

TRC: Everyone is well aware of your dogs of the past 10 years, but is there a dog in your past that you particularly liked as per temperament, working ability, etc..why?

ES: In the 80’s is when I bought Oleo & Timm, but before them was Brutus Von Hennekemp (Luxembourg-youth sieger). He was a real good dog, but died young. He had a small rupture in the lung, which slowly leaked into the lung, and built up fluid. By the time he showed signs that he was sick it was to late. I was just about to trial him. I only had him since he was 2, he was only 3 1/2 when he died.

TRC: When Wotan was born,I believe he was the only one in his litter. What did you think as day after day you saw him develop...did you ever consider selling him?.....or did you know he was the "one"?

ES: Wotan was out of a 2 puppy litter. I had just moved to Washington from California. I had only been there for 5 days, it was early May and it was still cool outside. I just let the bitch out and that’s where she had her pups, the "bigger" one got a chill in him and didn’t make it. (TRC...Wotan had a "bigger brother"!). Yes, Wotan was originally sold, but I changed my mind. He was out of a repeat breeding and the other litters were very successful.. (TRC: Can you imagine how this guy must feel right now.....boy I’d love to interview him!!, but I guess it wouldn’t take much imagination to what his thoughts are on this matter!) You could see right away....his working attitude was like an adult, @ 10 months old he was knocking the helper down, @12 months he won a big show down in California overall, over some top adults and dogs that had just won at that years Klubsieger!

TRC: When you came up with the name "Jenecks" what did you have in mind?

ES: What does anyone have in mind?, I knew what I wanted, I kind of went against the grain, especially in those days to be showing in the AKC and doing Schutzhund. No one did Schutzhund, you were looked on as a "bad person". I would be at a show (AKC), that if trouble started they would immediately say it was my dogs, but mine were well behaved at the show, I made sure of that. If something ever happened it "had" to be one of my dogs!... I was the only one who did Schutzhund. From the start I always believed that the dog should be able to do what it was bred to do, not just Rottweilers, any breed. I felt the same way about other breeds I owned.

TRC: Do you feel you have met or exceeded your goals in your breeding program and Schutzhund program.. Do you feel there are more things to accomplish?

ES: Do you ever meet your goals?. I have a lot more things to do, I have no complaints. If I accomplished everything I set out to do I’d quit. I have some new dogs that I’m growing out. (TRC: They are called Rhonda and Rhino..yes that’s right Rhino!.. He’ll have to live up to that name!) He does, he looked like a baby Rhino, very powerful, as wide as he is tall, he’s 4 months old now.

TRC:You recently imported a dog from Germany to breed to all of your Wotan he all you had hoped for and what did you like about him that you felt he was good enough to incorporate into your breeding program?

ES: He’s really good type, real old blood, the dog has a great attitude, lots of energy, compact, calm, loves to work, he’s the father of Rhino to a Wotan daughter, I’m just about to trial him.

TRC: Which Wotan son do you feel is the most like his father? Or do you feel there’s more than one?

ES: More than one?. I haven’t seen them all either, most powerful is Uno, very powerful dog. He’s not exactly his father, he’s a cross between the both of them. Wotan is known for throwing substance, size and head. Uno has a head bigger than his father, more compact. The best working out of Wotan is Flash, but he really doesn’t look like his father. Darren is doing really well with him.(Flash is currently the highest scoring dog in the county). It’s hard to say if one is better than the other. I can only speak about the dogs I have here, but I feel that Uno might be as good and possibly, if not even better than his father. I bred Uno to some of the same bitches I bred Wotan to and I think the Uno puppies are better. Uno puppies are winning in Italy and in other parts of Europe. I have an exceptional daughter out of him, I think better than Gitta, her name is Yonka, and she just won overall at the Canadian Nationals from the 18-24 class ...and no one complained!

TRC: So in ten years from now were will we find you?...still showing and training?

ES: 10 years, training yes, I hate showing. It’s a lot of traveling to get to shows, and the prices for flying now’d better book in advance it’s about $300.00 one way. The dogs we are taking to Belgium is $600.00 one way and it’s more than the price of the ticket. We are flying to Seattle and straight onto Amsterdam, 16 hour flight, well 18 total.

Eckart is the captain of the team representing the US at the IFR 2000 The team consists of Darren Salquist, Steve Gregalunas, Amanda Hoskinson, and Paul Davis. 3 out of the 4 dogs are Jenecks ......never before has one team had dogs from the same kennel!

Interview by Linda Berberich

Past Interviews

Website & Graphic Design by Cindy

Website & Graphic Design by Cindy